One Hundred Pounds Gained and Loss

I fought back tears every time I went to the doctor and watched the scale creep past 350 into the 370’s.  After that I closed my eyes when they weighed me.  One time I ventured a peek and saw 382 on the scale.  I was mortified and wondered if I would be dead by 35.  In fact, I was sure I would be dead by 35.

This is me

A year ago, my friend and I met over dinner to catch up.  She told me about the man she had been dating for several months.  As with all things Lizzie* it was a hilarious story that had that makings of a good rom-com movie. “Do you think he’s the one?” I asked. She shruggedContinue reading “This is me”

Christmas Un-Wrapped with Big Daddy Weave

Big Daddy Weave is doing something special for military families this Christmas.  As part of the “Be Brave” Campaign, the band has featured military families on their website and invited their fans to donate to the families. The project was inspired by the song “I’ll Be Brave This Chrsitmas” from the band’s new Christmas album,Continue reading “Christmas Un-Wrapped with Big Daddy Weave”

True Confessions Friday:: I define myself by a number on a scale.

When I go to the doctor’s office, I have stopped looking at the number on the scale.  The last time I looked, I was thrown into a depressive tizzy that lasted for months.  Definitely not helpful and I gained more weight during that time.  It’s better to ignore the numbers and move forward with changingContinue reading “True Confessions Friday:: I define myself by a number on a scale.”

Stalked By Celery

Right now, I’m munching on celery.  Mostly because I’m hungry and it’s a negative calorie food.  Yup, it takes more energy to consume and digest than the empty calories contained in the stalk.  You’d think we weight-conscious Americans would be downing the vegetable by the bagful.  You would think, wouldn’t you? However, there’s a problemContinue reading “Stalked By Celery”

Wii Be Fat

This is actually the Japanese Wii Fit box.  I’m pretty sure i couldn’t stand on one leg with my arms in the air. Wii Fit which debuts May 19 in the U.S. was released last month in Europe (is it me or do they get everything first?) and apparently the game told an active 10Continue reading “Wii Be Fat”