One Hundred Pounds Gained and Loss

I fought back tears every time I went to the doctor and watched the scale creep past 350 into the 370’s.  After that I closed my eyes when they weighed me.  One time I ventured a peek and saw 382 on the scale.  I was mortified and wondered if I would be dead by 35.  In fact, I was sure I would be dead by 35.

In the Stretching Moments

For over three years, I’ve been walking on a broken foot.  Every step towards something or away from something was taken on a foot that wasn’t healed. Because I didn’t know it was broken, I walked on it anyway. Often times, my foot would was sore and swollen. My podiatrist assured me I was fine,Continue reading “In the Stretching Moments”

Imagine… A Women of Faith Weekend

On Friday morning, BFF Sarah and I will be heading to Philadelphia to attend the two-day Women of Faith weekend (WoF).  Thanks to BookSneeze, I received two free passes in exchange for telling y’all about my experience.  Sounds good to me!  Ah, the perks of being a blogger. I’ve never been to a Women ofContinue reading “Imagine… A Women of Faith Weekend”

WHAT?! Hitler’s Meim Kampf for Inspiration & Jimi Hendrix a Child’s Role Model?!

This is ridiculous!  First, business student in India are buying  Adolf Hitler’s autobiography for inspiration and now educators in San Francisco are hailing Jimi Hendrix as a great role model.  Is it me or has the world gone completely mad? To the students in India, Meim Kampf is not a book on business organization strategies,Continue reading “WHAT?! Hitler’s Meim Kampf for Inspiration & Jimi Hendrix a Child’s Role Model?!”

If I wasn’t a writer, I would be…

If I lived 200 years ago, I could be the woman writing with the quill in this painting. I was trying to think of some whimsical, light-hearted topic to share with the world, or maybe something insightful or amusing. Perhaps I’d go for a topic about God or the Bible to encourage everyone out there.Continue reading “If I wasn’t a writer, I would be…”