One Hundred Pounds Gained and Loss

I fought back tears every time I went to the doctor and watched the scale creep past 350 into the 370’s.  After that I closed my eyes when they weighed me.  One time I ventured a peek and saw 382 on the scale.  I was mortified and wondered if I would be dead by 35.  In fact, I was sure I would be dead by 35.

My Mom Died

One of the biggest events to ever happen in most people’s life happened to me last November–my mother died.  I’ve written my grief out in small ways on Facebook, but until now, it has felt too personal to put out there into the world. Yet I know I must in order to heal, I mustContinue reading “My Mom Died”

Prevent Suicide by Looking Up

The problem is that we as a society can’t look up from our phones long enough to see the tears rolling down the cheeks of the lady we passed in the grocery store.

Reaching Across the Great Divide

Over the past few days, I’ve been thinking about our heated political AND Church environment. While those of us who are followers of Christ should allow our faith to inform the full spectrum of our lives, we must accept that our individual walks don’t always lead us to the same places or conclusions. It’s partContinue reading “Reaching Across the Great Divide”

Do fat lives matter?

In a candid discussion on my Facebook wall about Black Panther, I was wondering something….why is it still ok to make fun of fat people? There’s an assumption fat people deserve it, can change it, and that how we look is “less than.” Especially for women. We champion gay rights, black lives matter, and theContinue reading “Do fat lives matter?”

I stand with them.

When I registered to vote, I was so proud to mark myself as a member of the Republican Party. I was proud to carry my voter’s registration card in my wallet and I was proud to vote for George W. Bush. Both times. When I renewed my driver’s license, I decided to change my partyContinue reading “I stand with them.”