My Mom Died

One of the biggest events to ever happen in most people’s life happened to me last November–my mother died.  I’ve written my grief out in small ways on Facebook, but until now, it has felt too personal to put out there into the world. Yet I know I must in order to heal, I mustContinue reading “My Mom Died”

Death Without a Funeral

God is telling me that it is time to move on. And like Abraham, like Moses, like so many who have gone before, I must follow where my God has called me. Whatever the reasons for leaving a church—any church—the main reason should and must always be a calling from God.

Choosing to Heal

I’m tucked away in my writing nook on this beautiful fall morning.  My sinuses are rebelling against the rest of my face causing a throbbing effect, but my heart is full.  Well, maybe half-full if I’m going to be honest. And it has been such a long time since my heart has felt anything butContinue reading “Choosing to Heal”

God will redeem this

Sometimes life just hurts.  Today is like that. I waited for almost 40 days to bring home my new shih tzu puppy.  I was ecstatic, proudly showing her photos to anyone who seemed remotely interested.  I brought her home last Wednesday, and today she is going to a new home with a middle school girlContinue reading “God will redeem this”