Take 5 with Lori Lenz of Biscuit PR

Even though she’s only been a full-time publicist for seven years, Lori Lenz, founder of Biscuit PR, has done it all!  A resident of the Music City, Lori divides her time between working with FrontGate Media (CreationFest, ConversantLife.com),  projects like talking about the movie To Save a Life (due out this fall), and even grassrootsContinue reading “Take 5 with Lori Lenz of Biscuit PR”

Jo-Bros Committed to Purity

By Amy Sondova A couple years ago the Jonas Brothers exploded onto the Disney Channel with a music video for “Year 3000.” Subsequent hits like “S.O.S.” have made ‘tween girls everywhere swoon with girlish delight and pictures of the three Jo-Bros are plastered all over the media. I took the Jonas Brothers as just anotherContinue reading “Jo-Bros Committed to Purity”

Ready for Camp Rock?

Are those leather moccasins supposed to double as “hiking boots”? Who wears this sort of attire to camp? I guess things are different at Camp Rock. My friend, Gman, reminded me (via his blog) about something too amusing NOT to comment on and that is the premiere of the Disney Channel’s latest musical movie, CampContinue reading “Ready for Camp Rock?”

Hannah Montana’s Onstage Doppleganger

It’s Hannah Montana and Hannah Montana…or is it? Hannah Montana really does have the best of both worlds–including a body double. After a video was posted on YouTube showing “Hannah” being ushered off-stage during a song, her P.R. team started talking (article here). The body double only appears briefly during the song “We Got theContinue reading “Hannah Montana’s Onstage Doppleganger”