A not-so-cheery announcement

Unlike other times when I’ve been struggling with depression and anxiety, I have been somewhat open to sharing about what is going on in my life.  Though my communication has been sparse, those of you who follow me on Twitter may notice that I have been Tweeting very little, my blogging is erratic, and I have mentioned being very depressed.

This coupled with other stressors has caused me to reach a breaking point.  Therefore, due to personal and medical reasons, Backseat Writer is going into limited publication.  I do have some reviews and giveaways planned, and those will go on as scheduled.  However, my regular features may or may not appear until BSW is back in full publication mode.  I hope to post regularly beginning in mid-October, but that is not a firm date.   But the site will NOT shut down during this time…just know that the posts will be limited.

While I am always accepting guest posts and features, I would really appreciate help from fellow writers at this time—reviews (books, movie, music, and so on), interviews (with authors, musicians, whoever), poetry, photographs (single or essays), and opinion pieces will all be accepted.  If you are really amazing, you can even submit your piece in HTML format.  Just email me at amy at backseatwriter dot com.  I will be checking my email, but please be patient in waiting for me to respond.

I would appreciate your prayers during this time.  I need wisdom, patience, endurance, and healing.  I also thank the publicists, musicians, authors, and readers alike for your understanding and support.  I could not do this without you.

11 thoughts on “A not-so-cheery announcement

  1. Take care of yourself. Best to do what you are doing and cut back on your activities. After you are important. We will miss you but will think of you and sending our prayers.

    Please get help too. I have what is called Major Depression and take medication for it. If you are on one,please see your doctor to see if it should be changed to a different one. That happened to me, the pills just stopped working. If you aren’t on ant-depressents, please to talk to your doctor about starting some. They have helped me tremendously,

    We are all friends together. Sending you truckloads of (((((((((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))))))))))).


  2. It’s great that you recognized that you need this break, and followed through with it. Good for you… we’ll be here whenever you’re back. Take care of yourself. Hugs!

  3. Praying for you during this time, Amy. I know the slippery slope of depression and health problems. I’ve been there too. It’s good that you’ve recognized the need to pull back and take care of yourself. Don’t feel bad for that. I’m proud of you.

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